In an interview with Samdish on his YouTube channel, Unfiltered with Samdish, a new issue erupted between Arshad Warsi and Prabhas, as Arshad commented that Prabhas was like a joker in the Kalki movie. It was his opinion about the first half of the movie, and he also commented on the role played by Amitabh Bachchan. It was obvious that Prabhas fans did not like that Joker word and came up to troll the actor, Arshad Warsi. People are taking it as a Bollywood and Tollywood fight by comparing other old instances that have created controversy in the past. In this interview, he also mentioned that the personalities of actors are very delicate. If you say something a little off, it will hearten them immediately, so you have to be careful what you say, and a guy like him is not so careful and gets into trouble.